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justice minister中文是什么意思

用"justice minister"造句"justice minister"怎么读"justice minister" in a sentence


  • 法务大臣
  • 司法部长
  • 司法大臣


  • Mr mbeki said this was due to a breakdown in mr pikoli ' s relations with his boss , the justice minister
  • They need not be a permanent hell , they must also give opportunities to people , " said justice minister clemente mastella
    它们不应该永远是地狱。它们也应该给犯人机会, ”司法部长克莱明特
  • This , he said , was the best way to prove his innocence ? a curious argument , especially from a former justice minister
    他说,这是证明其清白的最好方法? ?从前法务部长口中说出这样的话实在很奇怪。
  • Judges are appointed by the monarch on the recommendation of the justice minister and cannot be dismissed except by judicial sentence
  • Its candidate in ilan , former justice minister chen ding - nan , was dogged by allegations that one of his campaign aides bought votes
  • This , he said , was the best way to prove his innocence ? a curious argument , especially from a former justice minister
  • The police delivered their final report to justice minister jose gregori on monday aiming to explain how trevi became pregnant
  • " jerusalem is the city where jewish kings are buried , and not arab terrorists , " israeli justice minister yosef lapid said last week
    以色列司法部部长约瑟夫?拉皮德上周表示: “耶路撒冷是(历代)犹太国王安息的城市,而不是为阿拉伯恐怖分子准备的。 ”
  • " jails should not only be a place for punishment . they need not be a permanent hell , they must also give opportunities to people , " said justice minister clemente mastella
    “监狱不只是惩罚人的地方。它们不应该永远是地狱。它们也应该给犯人机会, ”司法部长克莱明特.马斯塔拉说。
  • Meanwhile , israel ' s justice minister haim ramon says the international meeting in rome that ended without agreement on a ceasefire wednesday gave israel the permi ion to continue its offe ive
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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